Saturday, December 29, 2007

I Went To Laguna

I went to Laguna together with my Nanay Bing and many more. We rode on two cars.
This is a new place for me. We stayed there for two days and one night.
Since the area was big and a lot of space to run around, I enjoyed my stay there.
I drove a trisikad--for the first time.
A trisikad is bicycle with a side car.
I saw so many aquarium fishes.
I took a bath in a free-flow faucet. It was there were we got our drinking water.
I saw how they killed a goat. My Tatay Mel brought home his pair of horn as a remembrance.
On our way home we passed by the residence in Calamba where Dr. Jose Rizal was born. Unfortunately, his house was already closed when we reached the area. The notice says that the shrine is open only from Monday to Satruday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
We reached in Makati at about 7:00 p.m.

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