Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 30, 2011

Tonight,(April 30, 2011), my Mommy is in Iloilo Doctor's Hospital. She was advised to be admitted because her blood pressure was 150/90. And she is pregnant.

Daddy called up that Mommy would undergo a caesarian operation tonight. He requested that I pray for her and to my younger sister/brother. We do not know yet what would be my younger sibling.

We hope that both my Mommy and my sister/brother would be safe.

God bless you Mommy.

P.S. At around 10:30 p.m. April 30, 2011, my younger sister was born via caesarian at Iloilo Doctor's Hospital. The baby girl is 2.2 kilos, pre-mature.

Yesterday, Prince William (of England)and Kate Middleton were married. They are heir to the thrown.

And tomorrow, Pope John Paul will be beatified in Rome.